
Well, hello there! I’m so glad that you stopped by today, and I sure hope that you’ll stay awhile, let me know you were here, and come back again.

So who exactly is the woman behind the eyes and this attempt to give you a genuine glimpse of herself?  I suppose that it’s only fair that a genuine glimpse starts here. When I started this blog, I’ll confess to being a little lost about what to write.  So, get ready for it, here was my original About Me page:

Just another ordinary 30-something single gal, taking on the world one day at a time.

Yes, that was it.  Stunning, I know.

But as weeks have gone by and I’ve realized that I really do have a heart for sharing here, I decided that if I’m really going to be true to myself, my blog, and you as a reader, it has to begin with actually giving you a Genuine Glimpse into who I am.  With that, here goes About Me, take two.

I’ll be honest and say that I am fairly certain that I don’t see myself as others do and often struggle to even see myself as God does. Perhaps the best glimpse then, into who I am, is to balance out a little bit of all three. The authentic me is in there somewhere, after all.

Who do I say that I am?

I am a 38-year old woman who was born and raised in Texas by two very loving parents who are still married after 40+ years. I am a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, an aunt. I’m a child of God and I’m a friend to many.  I’ve never been a wife and never been a mother – and never imagined that sentence would describe me still. I’m an employee and a boss.  I’ve a detail-oriented, demanding, sometimes stressful job that I absolutely love. I’m an animal lover, a hobby-writer, and an avid reader. I learned faith in Christ at the feet of not just my parents, but a loving childhood church home and Grandfathers who approached God from completely different perspectives – one a Baptist minister and the other a staunch atheist until just a few years before he died.

I’m also a perfectionist and often set impossibly high standards for myself.  I have a soft spot for sappy movies, sweet cards, and a touching song. Sensitivity is both my biggest strength and my biggest weakness. I weigh too much, worry too much, and often take on too much.  I’d like to say I have great faith, but really I stumble far more than I’d like to admit. I wear sarcasm and self-deprecating humor like a comforting old jacket that may need to be tossed aside but somehow just finds its way back over your shoulders time and time again. I’m far less than I want to be – and often spend way too much time trying to be who I think everyone else expects me to be.

Who does God say that I am?

I am His beloved child – his chosen daughter. I am created in His image, His temple, His creation. I am loved and precious in His sight. And I am, blessedly, an everlasting work-in-progress.

Who do my friends and family say that I am?

[I struggled with this! One of these days I may have to get an IRL friend to be a guest here and complete this section for me!]
I think they’d say that I am fiercely loyal, unswervingly dedicated. I’m stubborn in my pursuits and determined in my goals. I’ll do anything for anyone, but struggle to ask for anything in return. Supposedly, I’m pretty funny at times (though I honestly don’t see it – I think I’m too serious!). My outer shell is friendly but focused, but inside my heart is sentimental mush.


It’s such a blessing for me to be here sharing with you today, and I hope you’ll visit often and let me get to know you a little bit, too. May your day be wrapped in God’s fantastic love for you!

2 responses to “Me.


    Just wanted to let you know that someone is reading. 😃 I like the new about me page much better and I can relate to your struggles! I wish you all the best!

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